Acoustic mapping of provincial streets with a traffic rank higher than 3.000.000 vehicles yearly
Customer: Provincia di Lucca

Province of Lucca's work consisted of an acoustic monitoring using phonometric detections along the viability used by the study, assisted by the installation of traffic indicators in well-defined positions.
Later on some monitoring forms containing general features were redacted. Among these features we can find the localization of the measurement, the geographic position, the type of paving and the acoustic data of the equivalent levels LAeq given thanks to the Time History.
The elaboration of the data allowed the redaction of the graphic contents making the mapping of the streets involved.
This activity was made to conform to the normative decree of the DLgs 194/05 "Attuazione della Direttiva 2002/49/CE relativa alla determinazione e alla gestione del rumore ambientale".

Acoustic Mapping

STUDIO INTRE - Civil Engineering Studio in Lucca

  • Via di Tiglio 1415 - San Filippo, Lucca - Tuscany - Italy
    Phone: +39.3938523117 - E-mail:
    P.iva: 02197070465